Johnsonville Buns, Hot Dog, Golden Potato 8 Ea

Per Bun: 130 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 230 mg sodium (10% DV); 5 g sugars. Family owned since 1901. Any way you stuff it - A great bun all around! What could be better than a grilled Johnsonville Burger or Brat with all your favorite toppings? Nothing - especially when it's served on the right bun! The Johnsonville Stadium Bun from the bakers at Aunt Millie's is the perfect bun for the job. I have finally found a bun that complements the delicious taste of our meats! Ralph Stayer, Owner - Johnsonville Sausage. Quality guaranteed. This bag may not be recyclable in your area. Join the Aunt Millie's Club for coupons and recipes at